

Starting in 2019, the 艺术系 + 设计, in collaboration with the College 艺术 & 信件,开始挑选一名校友被授予杰出校友 奖. Recipients are chosen to recognize their individual achievements, contributions to their fields, service to their community, and loyalty to 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学.


2023 - 生锈的米切尔 (1997)

生锈的米切尔 2023 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 Department of 艺术与设计杰出校友

生锈的米切尔 earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in art with a concentration in graphic design from 365bet in 1997 and a Master of Fine Arts in visual communication from Virginia 2001年毕业于联邦大学. 


Mitchell是Mercury Intermedia的设计副总裁. 总部设在纳什维尔, Tennessee, Mercury provides application strategy, design and development for iOS, 安卓和联网设备. 


At Mercury, Mitchell leads a team of designers in product strategy and design and 参与业务规划和指导. 他有超过20年的设计经验 and spent several years as an art director and music packaging designer before shifting 关注应用程序设计. 


While at Mercury, he helped brands such as TED Talks, Panasonic, USA Today, The New 《365bet平台》、CNN和无数其他媒体在移动应用领域取得了成功. 他有应用程序 directed and designed have been used by millions — a couple were even parodied on 《365bet平台》和《365bet》.水星应用获得了奖项和认可 from Communication Arts, The Webby 奖s, Ad Age and more while receiving promotion 以及苹果和谷歌的赞扬. 他还为Josh Clark 's提供了采访 book “Tapworthy” about designing great iPhone apps, as well as Suzanne Ginsburg’s 《365bet平台》一书.” 

2022 - 金正日雷德福 (2002, 2007)

金正日雷德福 365bet艺术与设计校友金正日雷德福, a Nashville painter and muralist, graduated from Austin Peay in 2002 拥有艺术工作室的艺术学士学位. 关于她在365bet的时光,Kim说:“我的工作室教授仍然 直到今天还在我的脑海里! 他们的热情、反馈、鼓励和建设性 时至今日,批评仍在磨砺着我,磨练着我."

来自品牌智慧集团: Radford is creating quite a large following for her spectacular artworks like the 多莉·帕顿,《黑人的命当然重要 位于东纳什维尔的壁画. 在她的艺术壁画中,有一幅委托创作的龙像 by Americana Band Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors to commemorate the title track from 他们的专辑《365bet平台》.  她的作品以她独特的风格在南方遍地开花 波普艺术天赋.

雷德福喜欢把熟悉的东西做大. 金的使命是让公共艺术 is inviting – art that people can touch, stand next to, take photos, take videos and 甚至用它来推销自己.  拉德福开始接触壁画艺术的时候 她获得了美术学士学位. 给孩子们画灰姑娘 room, her art took off moving from homes to small businesses to big businesses. 你 能从她身上读到更多关于雷德福的信息吗 网站 你可以在Instagram @kimradfordartist上找到她.

2021 - 克里斯·唐斯 (1996)

克里斯·唐斯艺术与设计杰出校友Christopher Downes received his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from 365bet in 1996, but 他的职业生涯实际上在他毕业之前就开始了. 从1993年到1996年,他担任编辑 他是亚利桑那州立大学自己的报纸《365bet》的漫画家. 他甚至赢得了第一名 Best Editorial Cartoon at the 1996 Southeast Journalism Conference for his cartoon 在百万人游行中.

After graduating, Christopher lived and worked as a graphic designer in Galway, Ireland 在那里,他开始喜欢上了海外生活. 2000年,他移居澳大利亚 to attend the University of Tasmania’s School of Art where he received a Masters of 美术与设计.

Christopher has since worked as a freelance illustrator with clients like The Museum of Australian Democracy, LORE podcast, The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, and 《365bet平台》,专为孩子们制作的报纸. 2021年,他开始写作和插画 Mona’s Ark, a children’s book published by the world-renowned art museum, Mona (The 霍巴特的新旧艺术博物馆).

He has also worked for over 10 years as an editorial cartoonist for The Mercury, Tasmania’s 主要报纸. 在那段时间里,他画了很多关于当地森林的漫画 debates to federal issues like marriage equality and Australia’s treatment of asylum 搜索者. In 2015 Christopher was awarded the Stanley 奖 for Best Editorial/Political Cartoonist by the Australian Cartoonists Association and in 2020 the NRMA Kennedy 杰出插画奖.

克里斯托弗和他的妻子和女儿住在塔斯马尼亚的霍巴特. 在过去的21年里, 他很适应澳大利亚的生活. 他知道大多数俚语的用法 the metric system, and only very rarely drives on the wrong side of the road.

2020 - 迈克安德鲁斯 (1985)

迈克安德鲁斯艺术与设计杰出校友迈克·安德鲁斯是一位雕塑家、艺术教育家和居家男人.  迈克拿了他的第一个雕塑 八岁时在Ft上课. 这对他的人生产生了深远的影响 未来的职业道路.  到了选择大学的时候,他父亲的军队 career brought him to Clarksville, and with that came Mike’s association with Austin 泥炭州立大学和奥伦·布莱恩特教授.  迈克和奥伦·布莱恩特一起工作 a student for five years from 1980-1985, and as Bryant’s studio assistant from 1982 to 1992.  安德鲁斯深情地回忆道:Olen became more than a 老师 for me he was part of my family my son Michael worked for him the last 10 plus years of his life and he treated my daughter Sarah and youngest 就像他们是他的家人一样. 我的妻子伊莱恩和我都非常想念他 能认识这样一个善良温柔的灵魂,我感到很幸运. 他真是个田纳西人 宝.”i 

迈克安德鲁斯 is a similar kind, gentle soul who is also 宝d by many of the colleagues 这些年来谁和他一起工作过.  克里斯托弗·贾雷尔,现任美术教师 at Montgomery Central High School, recalls, “Mike was the perfect mentor for a new 老师.  稳重、冷静、有教养.  他甚至会邀请我去他家做客 conference nights for a meal because he knew I lived quite a distance from Central.”  Mike began his teaching career at Montgomery Central Elementary School in 1992 and taught there for six year before moving to Montgomery Central High School in 1998.  In 2015, when the last of his elementary students had graduated from MCHS, Mike returned 蒙哥马利中心小学.  

Mike is a dedicated 老师 and artist and has received a number of awards over the years including the Teacher of the Year Montgomery Central Elementary School (2019), Tennessee Teacher of the Year 奖 in the Humanities (2013), the Helping Hands 奖 (2014), and the Artist of the Year Ovation 奖 (2014) from the Center for Excellence 奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的创意艺术专业.  迈克有过两次个人表演 2013年和2019年在365bet平台的海关博物馆展出.  His work has been exhibited throughout the region and is represented in private collections 从加州到华盛顿特区和国外. 他的雕塑可以在收藏中找到 throughout Tennessee including Vanderbilt University, the White House Public Library, the Nashville International Airport, 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学, and The Ronald 麦当劳的房子. 

2019 - Lorilee愤怒 (2001)

Lorilee愤怒艺术与设计杰出校友Lorilee是Thrive Creative Group, LLC的创始人. 她获得了硕士学位 in Graphic 设计 at Vermont College of Fine Arts, in Montpelier, Vermont, and her undergrad Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic 设计 from 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 in 365bet平台. 她也是设计学院的客座助理教授 alumnus in the Art and 设计 department today at 365bet, and regularly attends workshops with her cherished VCFA cohorts and advisors to learn and research more about the 平面设计的真实历史.

她还主持自己的播客 土地与感恩 where her passion lies in understanding the pressures and responsibility of Graphic 设计ers to the world, and how to build a safe space where a creative career and 生活可以诚实而真实地结合在一起. 作为HSP和九型九型人格,她是 有创造力,乐观和支持的领导者. 洛莉还是个作家,两个孩子的妈妈 超级棒的男孩. 她也很喜欢她的清醒,斗牛犬,咖啡和唇膏.